
Alle reden vom Internet. HR benutzt es. Und fand folgende Message in der NewsGroup (zum Glück auf Englisch, so daß unsere Jugendgruppe nicht versaut wird):
"Mike Leahy (BOOKUP)" <> writes:
>If you misdial our toll-free number you might get an ear-full!  (As one of our 
>customers discovered). The correct number is 1-800-949-5445. Change this 
>to a '5' and the result is quite different! 
>Mike Leahy "The Database Man!"

I know it's a shock to expect to talk to BOOKUP and get some sultry voice 
asking what you are wearing, but consider the fate of the guy who is trying to 
call for phone sex, and gets someone who tries to sell him a chess database:

Bookup:	Hello, this is BOOKUP.
Guy:	Hi, I'd like to talk to Alixxxa.
Bookup:	Sorry, we don't have an Alixxxa here, can I put you on to Mike Leahy, the Database Man?
Guy:	Uh, no thanks, I'm not into that.
Bookup:	Well, then, how can we be of service to you today?
Guy:	Uh, well, I'm kind of into spanking...
Bookup:	Yes...
Guy:	And I was wondering if maybe you had a girl there who could help me out in that department.
Bookup:	(confused) Well, our database contains a large number of games by Judith Polgar 
that could be referred to as spankings, is that what you want?
Guy:	What, um, kind of games?  You mean like role-playing?
Bookup:	No, chess games of course.
Guy:	Chess?!  That's sick.  You folks are perverted!  <click>.

Michael D. Holcomb	Disclaimer: These opinions are mine alone.



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